
Showing posts from September, 2017

Do humans Contribute to Natural Disasters?

Do Humans Contribute to Natural Disasters? Could oil drilling cause a disturbance in the tectonic plates? Can the melting of the ice poles cause hurricanes to grow stronger during hurricane season?  Is the increase of pollution from the past years be affecting climate change today?  More importantly, How?  This is a very strong issue at stake! So why does it matter? It matters because safety is the number one priority for humans and our planet earth. Though it's a very controversy topic, both right and wrong have very debatable answers. Many people will believe that Natural disasters have always been around for a long time and that it's a natural cause. True. Others will say that humans do contribute to natural disasters. From creating pollution that melts the ice poles and creates stronger hurricanes, to fracking and oil drilling causing earthquakes theories. I believe that today humans contribute a lot into natural disasters causing them to become more d