Do humans Contribute to Natural Disasters?

Do Humans Contribute to Natural Disasters?
Could oil drilling cause a disturbance in the tectonic plates?
Can the melting of the ice poles cause hurricanes to grow stronger during hurricane season? 
Is the increase of pollution from the past years be affecting climate change today? 
More importantly, How? 
This is a very strong issue at stake! So why does it matter? It matters because safety is the number one priority for humans and our planet earth. Though it's a very controversy topic, both right and wrong have very debatable answers.

Many people will believe that Natural disasters have always been around for a long time and that it's a natural cause. True. Others will say that humans do contribute to natural disasters. From creating pollution that melts the ice poles and creates stronger hurricanes, to fracking and oil drilling causing earthquakes theories.

I believe that today humans contribute a lot into natural disasters causing them to become more destructive. But as many others, I ask myself how? How are humans contributing to natural disasters? In order to go find the information I need, I'm sure that I will need to access a government or organization page in order to find past information on the previous natural disaster and an actual nature geographical page where I could find a lot of information about any possible natural disaster that any human being can contribute to it. What are we humans seeing today that we didn't see fifty years ago? Are natural disasters really hitting the earth more often? Are hurricanes becoming stronger due to the pollution all humans are causing? Is it just a hoax how many other people say it is? What is the real answer to this? We have to remember, some people will say that we the humans are damaging the earth and that slowly natural disaster are becoming stronger and it's all our fault for being too careless. But other's will say that natural disasters have always been around and that it's pretty common that such strong storms/earthquake's, tornados are hitting the earth since they have always been around. But what's really going on? Are natural disasters just hitting the earth more often and more destructive? Or, are humans causing this slowly with their daily routines?


  1. Oscar Ramirez points out a very interesting doubt: is the human kind making natural disasters worst? Or natural disasters are just part of the nature?
    I would add, in the next posts, statistics about the frequency of natural disaster in the last century. This kind of data can answer to many sub questions of the blog.
    Oscar choose a very common topic, but, with his questions, is keeping my interest high. However, I disagree with the choice of the sources. Other than government pages and nature geographical pages, which are very reliable, he could use also scientific magazines and academic books.

  2. I find this very interesting, as I do firmly believe that human's are creating more natural disasters because of our lifestyle and what we are doing to the environment. Sure, in the billions of years earth has been around it's seen some devastating disasters- the breaking of land to create continents, the ice age, and so on. However back then those were strictly caused by nature- there is irrefutable proof that our pollution is melting the icecaps because of the holes it is creating in the ozone layer. I think one thing you could also look into and add to your studies are the effects all of the drilling and stripping of natural minerals we are taking. As decades pass, some of these natural resources are becoming near to "extinction," could that also have an effect on what is happening?

  3. Cool idea, very applicable to all the crazy storms we've been experiencing this year. I didn't really think about this question specifically, but it makes sense that if we cause global warming, then we'd be then causing worse disasters. Assuming that global warming is making them worse. I hope you find some interesting research!

  4. I like the questions you're asking and I think they will lead to some good information. I think it's hard to argue that natural disasters aren't happening more often than in the past; that's just a matter of measuring frequency. One thing this post made me wonder is if there is any evidence of earth experiencing pockets of extreme weather throughout its geological history. something that maybe only lasts a century and then evens itself out. Or if it's just been smooth and steady, or at least predictable, throughout. I do think the strongest evidence of humans contributing to natural disasters is the degradation of the ozone layer. I don't see how that could result naturally. I'll be interested in how you integrate that information in your blog. Another question I have though is whether it's strictly pollution or if there are other ways humans may contribute to natural disasters. I'm excited to see what you find out on your questions. Good luck in your research.

  5. I find this post interesting because it isn't something that I would have ever thought about unless it was brought to my attention. I mean, you think about natural disasters and you think just that they're natural. However, some of the things that you brought up such as pollution and oil drilling could have an effect. I guess I just don't really understand how humans could affect natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. One point that I might add would be the never ending religious argument. If you believe in the bible one might argue that natural disasters are coming more frequent because of the whole revelations thing. I personally don't think that humans make a whole lot of difference when it comes to certain types of natural disasters, but may when it comes to others.


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