
Showing posts from October, 2017

So Can Human Activity Contribute to Natural Disasters?

So can human activity contribute to natural disasters? Yes! I have concluded that humans do contribute to natural disasters. Even more than what I initially thought they did. There can still be opposing scientist that can say no humans do not contribute to natural disasters but with the information that I found, I can say that there is no better answer then yes. The 1967 India earthquake was not a natural cause. It was a man-made earthquake. Although Dr. Rubenstein states fracking doesn't cause earthquakes, why is there more new earthquakes around the central U.S. near fracking areas? Sure, fracking will not cause a devastating magnitude earthquake, but it causes disruption in fractures which can later set off a deadlier earthquake due to the energy waves being released. There is no doubt humans definitely contribute to temperature rise. Higher temperatures will eventually melt the ice poles. That means sea levels will rise and more warmer water in hot ocean regions. What does

How Can Humans Prevent Natural Disasters?

How can humans prevent natural disasters? With humans contributing to stronger hurricanes, and man-made earthquakes, there must be something we can do to prevent them. Sadly many natural disasters are a natural cause and we cannot prevent them from happening. But we can prepare for when they happen.  Chris Dinesen Rogers from The Hunker article affirms natural disaster prevention can be what can really save lives in a disaster. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are the ones who plan the prevention. "According to FEMA, floods are the most common natural disaster. Effects of floods are complicated by weather patterns such as drought, which hardens soils and increases the possibility of flash flooding. The amount of impervious surfaces in developed areas can contribute to flood waters and risk the health of local streams and watersheds." Knowing how floods occur, now we can take a big step to watch roads, homes in rural areas, farms, and keeping rivers in wetlands

How are Humans Causing Earthquakes?

How are humans causing earthquakes? Now that we know that the 1967 earthquake in India was man made, there is several other ways humans can trigger earthquakes. The United States Geological Survey has given information that humans can produce man-made earthquakes. The most affected area is the central US. Since 1973 to 2008 there has been an increase of up to 24 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or higher that have been caused by human activity. But how are these earthquakes being caused? Many of the central U.S. man made earthquakes are caused by fracking. And what exactly is fracking? What are induced earthquakes? Is fracking causing induced earthquakes? First of fracking is when liquid is injected at high pressure into the ground in order to extract oil or gas. Fracking takes places in gas wells. Most gas wells are located outside the urban and suburban areas. Small towns out in the rural area, are the ones that get to see what fracking is causing.  Fracking will eventually c

How Could Humans Contribute to Natural Disasters?

H ow can humans contribute to natural disasters? Humans can contribute to natural disasters in many ways. I personally consider hurricanes and earthquakes a primarily target from humans. But how? Catherine Brahic from Daily News assures humans do contribute to natural disasters. Catherine Brahic says "The answer is yes. From mud volcanoes to disappearing lakes, humans actions can have all sorts of unforeseen environmental consequences." In Konya ,India in December of 1967 a man made earthquake took place. The region was considered a non-seismic area. It was all caused by a large dam holding high amounts of water that caused pressure on fractures beneath the surface. As the high levels of water increased the pressure on the fractures beneath the surface, the fractures eventually slipped. Causing a 7.5 earthquake killing 200 people and injuring thousands more. Ever since that day, the region of Konya, India was been experiencing frequent earthquakes. There is no doubt