So Can Human Activity Contribute to Natural Disasters?

So can human activity contribute to natural disasters? Yes! I have concluded that humans do contribute to natural disasters. Even more than what I initially thought they did. There can still be opposing scientist that can say no humans do not contribute to natural disasters but with the information that I found, I can say that there is no better answer then yes.

The 1967 India earthquake was not a natural cause. It was a man-made earthquake. Although Dr. Rubenstein states fracking doesn't cause earthquakes, why is there more new earthquakes around the central U.S. near fracking areas? Sure, fracking will not cause a devastating magnitude earthquake, but it causes disruption in fractures which can later set off a deadlier earthquake due to the energy waves being released.

There is no doubt humans definitely contribute to temperature rise. Higher temperatures will eventually melt the ice poles. That means sea levels will rise and more warmer water in hot ocean regions. What does that mean? It means that when a tropical storm hits it will intensify into a hurricane. We must remember that hurricanes grown in strength due to hot temperatures. This means that when a hurricane strikes land, it will be a more destructive hurricane.

What will be done in the following years?

There needs to be more regulations on fracking and rising temperatures. I figure many people don't even care about temperature rising or fracking. But once their families in coastal cities are affected by a massive destructive hurricane or a high magnitude earthquake strikes, they will open their eyes. He might not think about it at all, but a leading cause of temperature rise is excessive pollution. So what ca we do to reduce pollution levels? At the rate we are going the ice poles will have melt by 2050. That means flooding in coastal cities and higher category hurricanes. What about fracking? How can we stop man-made earthquakes from happening? Fracking will make fault lines unstable and keep producing minor earthquakes. But too much instability may cause that fault lines to unleash a big devastating earthquake. Therefore, regulations need to be put in place now! Although some countries do have regulations for pollution or fracking many others don't even seem to care. For example, the pollution rates in China and Mexico are excessively high. Their industrial areas are very contaminated. From an experience I can tell you that once you get to Mexico City, you will see layers and clouds of excessive carbon dioxide. And Mexico's people walk around like there is nothing going on. It's all normal for them. This is why we need strict regulations all over the world now! Humanity will not make it very far if this keeps up.

I knew humans did contribute to natural disasters in one way or another. Something I didn't know was that humans are creating man-made earthquakes. Also, fracking is causing more earthquakes in central U.S. Temperature rising you can't even argue with that because humans have been behind it for a long time.

Works Cited
Brahic, Catherine. “Five ways to trigger a natural disaster”. Daily News. 29, July 2008.

Dinsen Rogers, Chris. “Natural Disaster Prevention”. Hunker.

Follet, Andrew. “Geologist: fracking doesn’t cause damaging earthquakes”. The Daily Caller. 02, May 2016. U.S. Geological Survey.

Head Community Safety and Information Headquarters. “More measures needed to save masses by disasters”. News Paper Source Plus. 14, Oct 2017.

            National Geographic. “Hurricanes 101”. National Geographic. 26, Aug 2011.

Robertson, Jessica., and Rubenstein, Justin. “6 facts about human caused earthquakes”. USGS. 10, June 2015. U.S. Geological Survey.

United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction. “International Day for Disaster Reduction”. United Nations. 2017.


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